I'm a list maker, so I sat down and started my to do list. After about ten minutes, this is the list I have come up with so far. I decided the reason teachers need a summer vacation is to catch up on all the work we have neglected the rest of the year.
1. Wedding
I'm marrying the most wonderful man in January, and I have very little actually done. My goal this summer is to get as much wedding planning done before I return to school. I know that more I get done this summer, the less stressed I will be as it gets closer.2. Household
I'm not sure about you, but my house begins to become a mess about a week after Spring Break from pure lack of time to take care of it. I need to do some organizing and deep cleaning! There is NO WAY I would ever show you a picture of the mess I call a home right now.3. School
You can see from my list above I have ALOT I want to get done for school this year. One of my top items on my list is to work on my Interactive Reading Notebook. I started it this year before I even knew it was called an Interactive Notebook. I want to spend some time finding really good resources to add to it for each of the Common Core skills.I also want to start a TPT store. I have an account and frequently download other teacher's fabulous ideas, but I have yet to start adding my own things. Any advice on how best to do this would be greatly appreciated. I also plan on really committing myself to blogging and blog stalking to get some great ideas for next year.
4. Fun
In addition to cleaning, wedding planning, and working on stuff for school, I really need some fun time. My biggest need right now is sleep! I could seriously sleep a week straight, and I MIGHT begin to feel less exhausted. I also want to get some reading, sewing, and crafting done. In addition to fun time for me, I also plan on spending at least one day a week (if not more) volunteering to help my fellow Oklahomans with tornado relief. I have several coworkers and many more students who lost homes in the storm and can use as much help as possible.Whew, my Summer Bucket List is a little scary with how much is on it. Maybe I should throw the whole thing away and just sleep this summer?!? Nah, I guess I'll go get started on some of my items on my Bucket List. What's on your Summer Bucket List?
Hi, Leslie! I found your blog through April's linky. Congrats on your engagement! :) Good luck with your to-do this summer.
The Brown-Bag Teacher
I'm on the lookout for 5th grade blogs! I too find many useful teaching ideas on TPT, but I'm also searching for teachers who are blogging and sharing their ideas. I'm thrilled I found YOU! Have a great summer and I'll be checking in.