Monday, June 3, 2013

Just keep swimming...

I'm officially on the start of my second week of summer vacation. I wish I could say that I'm having the best summer ever, but man this vacation makes me miss working. I hate sounding so negative, but it has been an awful few weeks for my city and state.

I spent most of last week cleaning the house because it was getting a little out of control. I also spent an afternoon helping call all our students to see who would or would not be coming back after our terrible tornado. We have many who lost homes or have severe damage. Then on Friday night, guess what comes through Oklahoma again?!? Another tornado! This one was headed for my house. We got very lucky that only really strong winds hit our house. We have some tree damage and a huge hole ripped in our shed. I am very thankful for our safety, but this weather needs to stop. In the last two weeks I have about been ran down by two tornadoes and had my power out two different extended periods of time. My poor parents still don't have electricity! Once again I am very blessed as so many have it worse than I do, but this stuff is just killing my mood. If the weather doesn't settle down I may have to crash on someone's couch who lives far away from here to save my sanity.

Time for some positive ramblings. I started a TPT store last week. I only have two items so far in it, but starting one was on my summer to do list. I'll try to link it on here eventually.

This week is Girl Scout Day camp. My mom and I are the leaders for my niece's unit. We are the Zany Zebras! Today we did some cute crafts and took a "Habitat Hike." I'll try to get some pics posted throughout the week. We also had a juggler who came and taught the girls to spin plates!

Hopefully this week will help me relax and weather willing to finally begin to enjoy summer. Until then my motto borrowed from Finding Nemo is " just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." Hope you are swimming into a great week!