Friday, April 26, 2013

My First Linky Party- Five for Friday

So excited to join my first Linky Party! Let's give this a try...

1. This week we learned about George Washington, and as one of my activities the students learned how to be surveyors. They loved the activity, and it was a great cross curricular activity.

2. With less than a month to go of school, I taught my students how to journal "Sixth Grade Style." They got so excited to learn something from sixth grade!

3. I got an I-pad for my classroom. To say I'm excited is an UNDERSTATEMENT! I won't even begin to try to guess the number of hours I spent searching for free apps.

4.  With my new a I-pad I made a book about our surveying using the App "My Story." I had such a blast doing it and can't wait to show my students next week. I can think of countless ways to use this FREE App in my classroom!

5. Since we didn't have school on Friday, my last item will be about me taking the time to really get back into blogging. I have already read tons of blogs today and made a bunch of catch up posts.

Hopefully next Friday I'll have more pics to add to my Five for Friday.


  1. Hi~I'm Brandee and I just connected via Google +. I couldn't find a follow gadget but I can follow you via Google and check out your blog from time to time. I am always thrilled to find another fifth grade teacher blogger. :) Come over and see me and follow if you get a chance so we can keep in touch.
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. I think I finally got the follow gadget to work. Took me all weekend. Hopefully it should let you follow me now. Thanks!
